+420 226 522 122

Connect the development of Africa, Europe and Asia
We operate in the construction industry as a general contractor on the domestic and foreign markets.
We will also connect your company.

PTM Agro Concern s.r.o.

A division of the holding company dealing with services for clients who require subsidy support.


European Union funds The European Union implements a number of funding programmes. Depending on the nature of your business or project, you may be able to apply for funding from these programmes. There are two types of funding: direct and indirect.



Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF)

Border Management and Visa Policy Instrument (BMVI)

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV)

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)

Creative Europe Programme (CREA)
Customs Control Equipment Instrument (CCEI)

Customs Programme (CUST)

Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)

Erasmus+ (ERASMUS+)

EU External Action (RELEX)

EU4Health Programme (EU4H)

Euratom Research and Training Programme (EURATOM)

Europe Direct (ED)

European Defence Fund (EDF)

European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

European Parliament (EP)

European Social Fund + (ESF)

European Solidarity Corps (ESC)

Fiscalis Programme (FISC)

Horizon Europe (HORIZON)

Information Measures for the EU Cohesion policy (IMREG)

Innovation Fund (INNOVFUND)

Internal Security Fund (ISF)

Interregional Innovation Investments Instrument (I3)

Just Transition Mechanism (JTM)

Justice Programme (JUST)

Pilot Projects and Preparation Actions (PPPA)

Programme for the Environment and Climate Action (LIFE)

Programme for the Protection of the Euro against Counterfeiting (PERICLES IV)

Promotion of Agricultural Products (AGRIP)

Research Fund for Coal & Steel (RFCS)

Single Market Programme (SMP)

Social Prerogative and Specific Competencies Lines (SOCPL)

Technical Support Instrument (TSI)

Union Anti-fraud Programme (EUAF)

Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM)

Union Renewable Energy Financing Mechanism (RENEWFM)



– European Regional Development Fund – Regional and Urban Development

– European Social Fund – Social inclusion and good governance

– Cohesion Fund – economic convergence of less developed regions

– European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

– European Maritime and Fisheries Fund


GRANTS FOR COMPANIES – comprehensive services in the field of grant consultancy for business entities

– Acquisition of renewable energy sources.

– Reconstruction of business properties, revitalization of brownfields.

– Energy savings.

– HW and SW acquisition, digitalization, high-speed internet.

– Acquisition of technologies for automation, robotization and digitalization of company processes.

– Technology for product and process innovation.

– Research and development, establishment and/or development of development centres.

– Electromobility and alternative fuel vehicles.

– Circular economy, waste management, recycling, etc.

– Optimisation of water consumption, rainwater and wastewater use.

– Participation in international exhibitions and trade fairs.

– Education and training.

– Other


GRANTS FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, MUNICIPALITIES AND NGOs – consultancy for municipalities, cities, micro-regions and non-governmental non-profit organizations

– Cross-border cooperation

– Leisure activities (culture, sport, meetings of interest groups, etc.)

– Architecture and cultural heritage

– Landfills, collection yards, etc.

– Sewerage, sewage, water supply

– Renovation and development of buildings and public spaces

– Ecological measures, water management, greenery, flood protection, etc.

– Sports infrastructure

– Infrastructure in the village (roads, pavements)

– Utilities

– Introduction or expansion of information systems, digitisation of the company (IS/IT)

– Smart technologies

– Energy savings (insulation, more efficient technologies, …)

– Use of renewable energy sources (PV, …)

– Reconstruction of brownfields

– Purchase of public transport vehicles

– Human resources (education, active employment policy, social integration, etc.)

– Tourism

– Other


SCHOOLS AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS – for education, social integration and public activities

– Improving the quality of pupils’ and students’ education

– Lifelong learning

– Social integration

– Investment in school equipment, classrooms, laboratories, etc.

– Energy savings (insulation, more efficient technologies, …)

– Use of renewable energy sources (PV, …)

– Introduction or expansion of information systems, digitalization of the company (IS/IT)

– Leisure activities (culture, sports, meetings of interest groups, etc.)

– Smart technologies

– Sports infrastructure

– Other



– Support for innovation, research, development projects

– Investment equipment – laboratories, classrooms, etc.

– Support for technology transfer and commercialisation

– Energy savings (insulation, more efficient technologies, etc.)

– Use of renewable energy sources (PV, …)

– Introduction or extension of information systems, digitisation (IS/IT)

– Smart technologies

– Improving the quality of education of pupils and students

– Lifelong learning

– Other


Other funds:


Swiss-Czech Cooperation Programme

…and others

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